A small game developed in 24 hrs for the Solo Dev Game Jam about using the music in your soul to overcome any obstacles that might come in your way! Although every sort of feedback is appreciated, please be kind as I only had 24 hrs to make the game since I found out about the jam too late :'(.

-- Controls --

The whole game revolves around using only two buttons: A and D. Every other action will be a combination of the two. Here's more information:


- A: Move cursor to previous option

- D: Move cursor to next option

- A + D (pressed at the same time): Select option (i.e. the equivalent to the enter key or mouse click)


- A: Play C note (red one)

- D: Play G note (blue one)

- A + D: Play F note (green one)

Published 23 days ago
Tags2D, Music, Pixel Art, two_buttons


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All I can really say is I WANT MORE! I absolutely adored this game. Whoa, I'm just noticing that the font used in this comment box matches your game's font. That's a nice touch! I didn't even know you could do that.

Anyway, back to the game, I loved loved loved it! Playing notes and little melodies is just fun. The game provided a nice and fair challenge. I like that the levels are short enough that if one fails, it's easy enough to try again.

My only real criticism is the dialog boxes. I would have preferred being able to progress them myself by pressing one of the buttons. They went too fast for me to read and if I died, I had to rewatch all of them. That said, you made this in a single day. I'm certain if you had another day, you'd have addressed this. 

Seriously, this is an absolute gem of a game. You should be very proud of what you accomplished here.

If you'd like to see a live reaction of me playing your game, visit https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2240349196?t=00h29m30s

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks a lot for your feedback and kind words! I did watch the stream, and I'd like to say that these kind of reactions when someone plays our games are really what motivates us developers to hold onto a project and put all of our efforts into improving and expanding it. I apologise for the dialogues issue, I'm aware not being able to control their pace might be frustrating for some players. I did consider adding such functionality during development, however I was running short on time and had to prioritise other aspects of the game (I really wish I did manage to get that in time!). That being said, be assured that it will be fixed in the next update once the jam is over (I already have a patch ready to be pushed)

Great game! Loved the pixel art and enjoyed the sounds/music <3

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed playing the game!